Objectives and Services
– 建立與促進本會會員之間以及旅遊業的其他成員和組織之間的更緊密聯繫及諒解,並推動旅遊業的發展及其福利。
– 建立與促進本會會員和香港旅遊業的福利、權益及專業質素。
– 建立與促進與中華人民共和國或海外其他地區旅遊業人士和組織之間更緊密的業務關係及商機。
– To foster and promote closer relationship and better understanding among the Members of the Association as well as other members and organizations in the travel industry and to promote the tourist advancement and welfare
– To foster and promote the welfare interest and professionalism of the Members of the Association and the travel industry in Hong Kong.
– To foster and promote closer and better trading relationship and opportunities with other individuals and organizations in the travel industry in the PRC or other overseas regions.